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Porto Recanati Abbey of Saint Mary in Potenza

Abbey of Saint Mary in Potenza and The “Ca’ Dell’Arco” Bridge

Founded by the Crociferi monks in the 12th century, the abbey is located in the area near the Roman city of Potentia Picena.

From the oldest medieval sources, it is remembered as hospitalis pontis Potentiae and hospitalis ad pedem Potentiae. The first name alludes to the presence of the nearby Roman bridge and the second to the location of the structure near the outlet of the Potenza river. The structure has been significantly altered, so there are very few of the original elements left after these changes. Among these original elements is the apsidal wall on the East side with loggia on columns and pilasters and the vault of the crypt which houses an altarpiece by the painter Cesare Peruzzi (1894-1995).
Located just a few hundred metres to the South of the Abbey of Saint Mary in Potenza and under a modern farmhouse, there are two arches which were part of a Roman arched bridge under which passed the Potenza river in ancient times. Measurements: central arch with stone segments and square piers (span 8.20 m); smaller arch on East side in brick (span 3.70 m)

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