Compagnucci Building
In the 16th century, here is where Antonio Scaramuccia secretly brought up Amedeo di Savoia, son of Duke Emanuele Filiberto, for five years. The present East façade was rebuilt in 1806, after the adjoining Chief Magistrate’s building was knocked down which allowed for an enlargement of the square. The main floor houses the Girolamo Buratto Civic Art Gallery and has several rooms characterized by grotesque gouache and fresco decorations in Pompeian style. Until today, the name of the artist who did these paintings is unknown.
“Girolamo Buratto” Civic Art Gallery
Among the art works exhibited in the gallery, there is The Dream of Jacob, attributed to Buratto himself, a pupil of Pomarancio, and an important panel entitled the Madonna upon throne with Child between Saints Andrew and Helen and angel musicians by the Spanish painter Ioannes Hispanus. This work recalls the thriving devotion to the Cross in Montecassiano due to the presence of a relic. The panel was begun in 1506, at the end of a plague epidemic and was finished around 1508. The painting portraying Saint John the Baptist in prison is noteworthy, from the first half of the 16th century, attributed to Pietro Ricchi, known as “Il Lucchese.” Lastly, the Gallery exhibits the paintings of Giovanni Cingolan, an artist from Montecassiano. 16th century