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Recanati Civic Tower

It’s high 36 metres and it is coronated by ghibellina battlement, it was built in the second part of XII century as a symbol of the fusion in a unic common of the ancient castles. After the demolition of the 400’s Common Palace (Palazzo dei Priori) in 1872 it stayed isolated. The current ghibellina battlement belong to a later remake.
The face that looks at the square has the quadrant of the clock (1562), under there is a bas-relief in bronze by Pier Paolo Jacometti, that in the 1623 it was situated in the previous common palace. The nameplate of the Fallens of the 1923 is of Guido Cirilli. The rampant lion in the north side is by Sansovino.
There is also the emblem of Recanati and the tombstone of Fermo to remember the great friendship.
Giacomo Leopardi wrote about this in the Ricordanze: “Viene il vento recando il suon dell’ora. Dalla torre del borgo…”

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