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Potenza Picena Civic Tower and Medieval Entrance Gates

Of medieval origin, the tower was rebuilt in 1732 and then, after it was hit by lightning, the upper part was reconstructed on a design by an engineer from Ancona, Gustavo Bevilacqua, in 1886.
The Galiziano Gate, dating back to the 14th century, was a “double” entrance gate and inside housed the guards who protected the town centre. Its external façade was remade in 1775.
On the opposite side of the surrounding walls, a short distance from the ancient Girola Gate (or Marine Gate, demolished around 1950) lies a little church to the Blessed Virgin, Our Lady of the Snow. Originally it seemed to be a votive chapel erected in the 15th century with a fresco inside depicting the Virgin and Child with Angels which is attributed to Giacomo di Nicola from Recanati and can still be admired today. The church was rebuilt around 1661.