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Castelraimondo Castel Santa Maria

Castel Santa Maria

The fortified nucleus of Castel Santa Maria (539 m.a.s.l.), with considerable historical, environmental and landscape interest, has a circular shape protected by massive perimeter walls and towers and is mentioned in the historical archives since 1212. The Lords sold the entire castle to the Municipality of Matelica in 1263. The urban layout is organised in three concentric circles separated by narrow streets leading to a small square on the top with the stately municipal building, the parish church, and many medieval constructions.


Our Lady of the Assumption

Located inside the walls it preserves important works of art, the Coronation of the Virgin Mary and Saints Sebastian and Venanzio of Camerino, table by Giovanni Boccati dated 1463, paintings on canvas with the Saints of the local tradition, Caterina d'Alessandria, Carlo Borromeo, Maria in Via, a wooden polychrome statue of Saint Sebastian, 1585, a valuable baptismal font dated 16-17 century, an organ from the 19th century by Paolo Mentasti. The church façade shows remains of lancet arches belonging to the original medieval structure. 15th century

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